are you racist quiz

this quiz will help detect if you are the least bit racist and should be easy to get the right answer so be careful what answer you choose for each question.

if you are racist don't bother taking the quiz nobody likes racist people but if you want to change it then do it it is not that hard to do so get on outta here if you are racist and you know it because you can change who you are.

Created by: remi
  1. why do you hate snow
  2. what race do you hate the most
  3. you think of gold chains icy watch and backwards hat what race do you think of
  4. have you dated these races
  5. are all white people racist
  6. do you believe in gangs
  7. is it bad for a mixed race couple to date
  8. you think of church apple juice and the chicken dance what race is this
  9. what would you do if you saw an all lives matter sign
  10. do you think you are racist

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