Are You Pyschic?

Some people are pyschics and others are not. This test will help you to find out if you really have this amazing gift to our planet. Keep in mind being pyschic is hard so beware.

Are you one of these people and if you are how much are you. Don't spend the rest of your life wondering if you are and just take this test it is 95% correct!!!

Created by: pearl po
  1. What do you beleive in?
  2. Do you have dej ja vu?
  3. Do you ever sense something/someone is watching you?
  4. Can you or someone youre closely related to(mom, dad, sister, ext.)heal people with their hands?
  5. Do you do any sports?
  6. Have you ever had a vision come true.
  7. Do you want to be pyschic?
  8. Have you ever been uncomfertable in your own house.
  9. Do you watch supernatural?
  10. Do you think youre pyschic?

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Quiz topic: Am I Pyschic?