Are you psychopath?!

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If you think you are crazy then this quiz is for you all you have to do is click on the test name and find out GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!If you think you are crazy then this quiz is for you all you have to do is click on the test name and find out GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!

How many people are scared of you i wonder or how many will be scared of you take the quiz to find out i wonder if you are or not but just wondering see you in hell b----es.

Created by: tiger487
  1. Do you talk to yourself randomly
  2. Do you think of killing someone?
  3. Have you killed someone?
  4. start of you name?
  5. start of you name? Pt.2
  6. Start of your name? Pt.3
  7. start of your name? Pt.4
  8. your weapon
  9. Animal
  10. color
  11. Killing place
  12. Song
  13. movie
  14. car

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Quiz topic: Am I psychopath?!

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