Are You Proactive? | Comments

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    Being Proactive means never quitting. You never back down, even when things get really tough. " I don't know how, You made me, I can't, etc." are you in your vocabulary. You never blame your problems on someone else. You take responsibility for your actions, and always achieve whatever you put your mind to. And you ALWAYS make do with what you have.

    Yeeah ;D Totally agreed, damnstraight. I gave this quiz 10/10. If I could go higher I would. You do not see enough of these quizzes, and [creator of quiz], you need to make a lot more and I will for sure take them! Good job *Applaudes in front of computer*

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  • Eighty percent proactive,very true. Whenever I set goals I try my darn hardest to succeed in them and don't let anyone or anything get in my way it may be hard but it's worth it in the end. Cool quiz mate.

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  • thanx tomboykaitie! i wasnt sure if it would be good. thanx for supporting me!

    Roxy TG
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