Are you pretty, ugly, average or gorgeous? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you pretty, ugly, average or gorgeous?
You are 68% attractive!
Pretty! Congratulations! You could date almost anyone you wanted! There's almost nobody like you, so enjoy it!
bethany1 -
You are 97% attractive!
GORGEOUS!!!! HELL WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? YOU SHOULD BE A MODEL! You can date anyone you want and turn heads easily!
I knew it.
LaceyM1 -
94%! You should be a model and could date almost anyone you want. Ha ha, that just made my day. XD.
wow im 62% im happy.... i wounder who else got that score...
81% huh my friend gave me the same score last night .weird ..
Wow..I got 75%. :D
94%?? really? I didnt think i was gourgous... not at all!!
haha thanks(:
Quiztogo1 -
94%?? really? I didnt think i was gourgous... not at all!!
haha thanks(:
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