Are you pretty or ugly?

Are you pretty or ugly? This is a quiz I made for fun. If you have low self esteem then do not do this quiz if you do not want to, this quiz is not to judge.

This quiz will tell you if your Ugly or pretty :) If your confident in yourself feel free to play. Have fun doing your quiz. Remember to not take things to personal if it hurts you.

Created by: v4mp1reRxse
  1. What's your hair color?
  2. What's your body type.
  3. What's one thing you get told a lot
  4. What do you think of yourself?
  5. Do you look at other people and say "I wish I had their face"
  6. What's your nose shape?
  7. Do you like yourself?
  8. Skin tone?
  9. Are you ready for your results
  10. Do you were make up

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Quiz topic: Am I pretty or ugly?
