Are you pretty or ugly?

Hello everyone! So i did this quiz because im bored, like always. I hope this quiz is accurate and i really hope you guys will like it. I never really get ahy plays on my quizzes so tell your friends about thsi quiz. I hope yall enjoy!!!

WELLLLLLLLLLL Play my others quizizzzz if you DARE. IT ALMOST CHRISTMAS, depending on when you take the quiz bu for me it is. I really hope yall get the answer you want and i dont want to be hated if yall get ugly but no one is really ugly so maybe just upgrade. My other quiz is "Which Naruto Character Are You (Some left out)" Thats the exact name. So play that.

Created by: NarutoIsNice
  1. What is your hair type?
  2. What color is your hair
  3. What color is your eyes?
  4. What is your face shape? (Dont be ashamed)
  5. What is your body shape?
  6. What is your style?
  7. How is your nail growth (Sorry, weird question...)
  8. How are your teeth?
  9. Do you breath through your nose or mouth?
  10. How often do you wash your hair?
  11. Fun questions: What do you do for fun?
  12. How is you day going?

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Quiz topic: Am I pretty or ugly?
