Are you pretty?

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Are you pretty? That title sounds terrible for a quiz, doesn't it? I mean, who would even take that kind of a quiz? It's practically impossible to get 100%, and you end up feeling terrible about yourself after. You're probably wondering why you're even taking this quiz.

MUST READ: Well, this whole quiz is a trick. You will find out what it is at the end, but for it to work you need to answer ALL THE QUESTIONS. I hope you enjoy it, and remember that nothing is always as it seems...

  1. As always, those last two questions were mandatory 😫😭
  2. What colour is your hair? (Natural)
  3. What colour is your eyes? (Natural)
  4. Do you wear glasses?
  5. How many freckles do you have?
  6. Do people often compliment you on your looks?
  7. How many pimples do you have?
  8. Describe your hair.
  9. Do YOU think you're pretty?
  10. Bye bye 🙃

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Quiz topic: Am I pretty?