Are you pretty

There are a lot of pretty people see your score now or you will regret it ever day do it before its to late it ur quiz come on what can you lose it doesn't matter what you wear or what race u are just be u

Are you pretty do you win them all find out today by answering 12 questions be honest or you might fail just be you #unique if you want 2 sing sing if you want 2 dance dance

Created by: BAE tae
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you think your pretty
  2. Do you like some one
  3. Are you in style
  4. Do you wear makeup
  5. Favorite color
  6. What is your fav sport
  7. What color is your natural hair
  8. What size are you
  9. Fav type of phone
  10. Do you like to fight

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Quiz topic: Am I pretty