Are You Pretty?

have you ever wondered what people think about you? well you can stop thinking because the answer to all y'alls questions are here in this awesome quiz!

are you cool, awesome, or pretty? these questions and answers should answer all your questions. if you dont enjoy this quiz i tried my best! i hope y'all love it!

Created by: Emma
  1. do you like to apply extra makeup every 4 hours?
  2. do you think you are pretty,awesome,or cool?
  3. which of these movies below are your favorite?
  4. do you have any of these pets listed below?
  5. do you have any of these pets listed below?
  6. what is your hair style?
  7. what is your favorite color?
  8. do you have braces or no?
  9. people describe you as...
  10. are you nerdy?

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Quiz topic: Am I Pretty?