Are You Pretty?

We all know that our society puts a lot of pressure on us to look good. In fact, sometimes it just gets too much and some of us tend to lose their confidence as a result. This quiz is to remind you of how attractive you are!

Although this quiz is primarily meant for girls, it can actually apply to any person. Try to answer the questions as honestly as you can in order to see if you are pretty/handsome (based on our current societal standards).

Created by: Mckayla

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you satisfied with your body shape?
  2. On a scale of 0 to 5, how important are looks to you? (0 being not important at all, and 5 being the most important thing about you)
  3. What are your eating habits?
  4. How often do you workout?
  5. What's your reaction when you look at yourself in a mirror?
  6. What's your best physical feature?
  7. What do you think is your least attractive physical feature?
  8. On a scale of 1 to 5, how much do you love yourself? (1 you don't really love yourself, 5 you really really love yourself)
  9. How do you see yourself 10 years from now?
  10. How important is the opinion of others to you?

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Quiz topic: Am I Pretty?