Are you posing as goth?

The title of the quiz is: "Are you posing as goth?" What it really decides is if you are posing as a goth, close to goth, or just plain AWSOMELY goth.

If you think you are a goth... try this 12 questin quiz and find out! so if you couls please pretty please rank/share my quiz to those people who think they are goth!

Created by: Tibby
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  2. About ur friendz...
  3. have u ever tried 2 b gothic then later called a poser the next day cuz u alwayz wear pink and gurly stuff?
  4. do u have alot of boyfriends/girls freinds??
  5. what do u think about vampires?
  6. do u like alcohol??wat kind??
  7. wat r u wearin rite now?
  8. u consider urself a goth?
  9. well 1 or 2 more cuz i cant move on... have u ever ever in ur life made freinds with more than 10-20 different goths?
  10. ok now this is the last! wat did u think of this quiz(this will not help or hurt ur score)

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Quiz topic: Am I posing as goth?