are you popular or not

HAVE Fun to anyone reading this. My quiz is supposed to be a fun game. I hope you enjoy. It took a while to put together. Comment a quiz and I'll make on specificly for you.

Hope yal enjoyed. It was a fun quiz to do. Please no mean comments and have a good quiz. Also ill visit any quizzes you made too (just comment what quiz it is be specific)

Created by: crystle
  1. How many friends do you have
  2. Do you lead or follow?
  3. Are you gossipy or snitchy?
  4. Are you gossipy or snitchy?
  5. Are you shy or not shy
  6. Are you cool or awesome
  7. Do you have loyal friends or rude friends
  8. Are you loyal to friends or rude to friends
  9. Do you do sports or games
  10. Are you hot or not

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Quiz topic: Am I popular or not