are you popular or nerdish

are you popular can you get above 50 percent coolness try it test your coolness and find out if you are cooler than your friends or if infact you are a NERD.

if you pass this quiz you may never be bullied again but if you fail you will recieve a one way ticket to matrons office wedgie after wedgiebut do not worry you can still redeem your popularity

Created by: anthony

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. if your house was attaked by zombies what would you do
  2. if some one wanted to film you doing your maths exam what would you say
  3. where do you shop
  4. do you like learning
  5. favorite star wars charactor
  6. favorite tv show
  7. favourite take away
  8. favorite car
  9. would you rather drive
  10. if you foun a 10 pound note in a shop would you
  11. if you could be a charactor from the simpsons who would it be

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Quiz topic: Am I popular or nerdish