Are you popular

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This quiz is going to help you in life by making sure you have company In you home and school . Firstly, you need to be sure that not one bit of this is accurate.

When you grow up you will get more and more friends and become a loving and gratfull person but make sure you are not rude and never say anything before you know it is the right thing to say

Created by: Cece
  1. Do you have musically if you do how many followers do you have?????????
  2. Do you have Instagram if you do how many followers do you have?
  3. Are you a good friend ?
  4. Do people avoid you ?
  5. Do you take showers ?
  6. How often do brush you’re teeth ?
  7. Do you do well in school ?
  8. How old are you ?
  9. Do you enjoy school ?
  10. Do you like the teachers in school ?

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Quiz topic: Am I popular
