Are you Popular?

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Ahhh. the popular quiz. take the quiz to find out if you are popular or Not. Please do not be disapointed with your result because really all you really need is your family and that is what matters in life.

This is the moment you have been waiting for to find out if you are popular or not. are you scared?........You shouldnt be....Your On scaretactics...JK

Created by: Sean

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What Do you Do most?
  2. What Is your Fav. Food?
  3. What Is your Fav. Color?
  4. How Old Are You?
  5. What Do You Do On Weekends?
  6. What Color Hair Do You Have?
  7. Are You a Boy Or Girl?
  8. What Do You Play With The Most?
  9. Do You Hang Out With Friends A lot?
  10. What Does Your First Name Start With?

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Quiz topic: Am I Popular?