Are you popular?

There are many people In This gigantic world that we live in but do you great and mighty ........(your name) have what it takes to be cool it's a tough call to make alone so I created a test! :)

Are you Epic!? Are you cool?! Are you rad?! Do you have what it takes to get 100%?!!? Let's see if you can be the coolest person in the world one day ?

Created by: Reanna

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you know over 40 people ?
  2. Do people constantly want to be with you?
  3. More than 5 people have a crush on me that I know of!
  4. Am I smart?
  5. Do I bring my own rad stuff to school with me?
  6. Do I know what all this means:wtf,Ikr,JK,lol,TF ?
  7. Am I cool?!?!
  8. Should I be taking this test if I'm cool?
  9. Do I have a boyfriend/girlfriend ?
  10. Do I want to know how cool I am?

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Quiz topic: Am I popular?