Are You Poe Dameron or Han Solo?

This quiz will tell you (doesn't matter what gender you are) if you're Han Solo or Poe Dameron. In other words, new Star Wars...or Classic? Your result may be unexpected...

Or, your result may be really not surprising and you may go home nice and happy. Hopefully this quiz was great for you and you'll give it a good rating!

Created by: Lou Miso
  1. What is your gender?
  2. Do you consider yourself awesome?
  3. What kind of person do you want to spend time with?
  4. Do you point the gun or are you pointed at?
  5. Who do you like better, Han Solo or Poe Dameron?
  6. Did you shoot first?
  7. What's 6 x 2?
  8. Do you consider yourself smart?
  9. Have you ever acted really really stupid?
  10. Lastly, are you a HUGE fan of Star Wars?

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Quiz topic: Am I Poe Dameron or Han Solo?
