Are you patrician?

There are many plebeians, but there are only a few patricians. To become a patrician is all of our goals in life. Are you one? Are you enlightened enough to be a patrician?

In a few minutes you will find out whether you are a patrician or plebeian. When you take this quiz, your knowledge of cinema will be tested. Hopefully, your years of browsing /tv/ have paid off.

Created by: Anon
  1. Which of these is the best film?
  2. Which of these is the best film?
  3. Which of these is the best film?
  4. Which of these is the best film?
  5. Which of these is the best film?
  6. Which of these is the best film?
  7. Which of these is the best film?
  8. Which of these is the best film?
  9. Which of these is the best film?
  10. Which of these is the best film?

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Quiz topic: Am I patrician?