Are you part VAMPIRE?

There are mant smart people, people with common sense, people who get all A**'s but some of the brightest people get F's cause on this vamp test many smart smart people believe in science and physics but of corse vamps don't belong there!!!!!

ARE YOU AMAZING Enough to pass my test? find out come on take the test do it. no one knows until they take the test can you do it????do you have the brainpower to pass

Created by: nemo crazy twilight

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like the taste of your own blood?
  2. Do you like the smell of your own blood?
  3. do you like the feel/colour of blood?
  4. are you good at sports?
  5. Do you like storms/thunder/lightning /rain etc???
  6. Do you go to the doctors often?
  7. Can you take blood tests or be around blood?
  8. Can you see everything clearly? Do you have anything wrong with your eyes?
  9. What colour are your eyes?
  10. Can you drive quickly?
  11. Are you cute/hot??

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Quiz topic: Am I part VAMPIRE?