Are you part of the PC master race

There are many gamers out there but are you part of the pc master race ty to see now,,, it is a very acurate quiz, also to see how sexy your diamond hard nipples are...

you wanna see how much of a pc game you are, well you can try my really acurate test, to soo if your the beat,,, try and see,,, i wish you luck,, on you adventure

Created by: luke skywalker
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is your favorite game?
  2. Are you a complete Weirdo?
  3. How Many hours do you estimate you play computer a day?
  4. Derp or no?
  5. Are you the ladys man?
  6. Are you the best gamer in the world
  7. How smart are you?
  8. daily agenda
  9. Dont worry about this one, just click a random one.....
  10. Do you smoke

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Quiz topic: Am I part of the PC master race