Are you part of the LGBQ group?

You could be straight, gay, bisexual, or asexual. Have you ever thought to put that to test, or to settle the question? I tried doing one of these quizzes because a lot are inaccurate or offensive. I tried my best on this, so constructive criticism, please.

Again, thank you if you took a look at this. I thank the academy, and my friend, who besides having religious beliefs, did not tell me to burn forever. I hope you all have a positive attitude about homosexuality. It may be a new subject being addressed properly (sometimes not), but it should be treated with respect.

Created by: ThisAwesomeName
  1. Let's get this straight (or not, ba dum tss) do you have attraction towards the opposite sex as a girl?
  2. As a male, are you attracted to the opposite sex?
  3. Cool, cool. Have you ever had sex? (Innocent me quits.)
  4. If you're a girl, do people think you like the same sex?
  5. As a male, do people think you like the same sex?
  6. Do you often find yourself questioning your sexual orientation?
  7. Females, imagine yourself in love with a male. How likely is that to happen?
  8. Males, imagine yourself in love with a female. How likely is that to happen?
  9. Have you felt this quiz was helpful?
  10. Could you review this with constructive criticism?

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Quiz topic: Am I part of the LGBQ group?