Are you on the Nice "List or Naughty List?

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This quiz will determine if you're on the Nice or Naughty List based on the questions you've answered to how you behaved this month. Make sure to be nice! (Be honest)

Happy Holidays! (why do I have to make this paragraph 150 characters long, this is making me mad with these strict limitations. sorry if I had to vent)

Created by: Brooklynn
  1. Are you kind to others?
  2. Do you eat your food that your family makes for you?
  3. Do you watch inappropriate material?
  4. What will you leave for Santa this Christmas Eve?
  5. Is your room clean?
  6. Do you go to bed on time?
  7. Do you follow your parents/guardian's directions?
  8. Do you excersice every day?
  9. Do you cheat on quizzes?
  10. Do you do drugs, smoke/vape, or do crimes?
  11. Do you have any negative emotions about people who are innocent?
  12. Do you have good hygiene (brush teeth 2 times, take a bath, wash hair, etc.)
  13. How much time are you on electronics?
  14. Do you give gifts to people?
  15. Do you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I on the Nice "List or Naughty List?
