Are you on the brink of insanity and homicide? | Comments

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  • Need Help: ASAP

    Based on your results, you need assisstance and counselling asap. There's a sense of uneasiness and worrisome about you that you may endanger yourself and possibly someone elses' life at some point. You need to deal with the issues immediately and seek some professional help before it's too late. This doesn't mean you're an evil person in anyway, but your thoughts or actions are being seen as dangerous. So please take the time to do that before you turn loco roco

    • Thats what I got, and I could care less. We humans are nothing but worthless eco-phobes.

      Absurdities demand atrocities. - Voltaire

  • Your quiz results

    Are you on the brink of insanity and homicide?

    Your Result: Need Help: ASAP 91%

    Based on your results, you need assisstance and counselling asap. There's a sense of uneasiness and worrisome about you that you may endanger yourself and possibly someone elses' life at some point. You need to deal with the issues immediately and seek some professional help before it's too late. This doesn't mean you're an evil person in anyway, but your thoughts or actions are being seen as dangerous. So please take the time to do that before you turn loco roco.

    45% Seek Advisor/Friend for counselling/support

    5% No sign of danger

    Yep, whatever. 1/5. Go f--- yourself. We all deserve to die for what we always do to the natural environment.

  • Why does it want me to get help? It shouldn't be worried about what I'm doing. I'm just another number in the system


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