Are you obsessed with Warriors?

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Many people love warriors, but few are totally obsessed. Are you? Take this totally awesome quiz and see! There are ten questions that are all very easy.

Are YOU a HUGE warriors fan? If you are, you will definitely qualify for this quiz. So take this awesome quiz! It will bring you into the warriors world.

Created by: Katelyn
  1. Did you make or have a stuffed animal of your favorite character?
  2. Do you say "Oh my StarClan"
  3. Have you already chosen who you want to be your mate in Warriors?
  4. Do you think of what mouse would taste like?
  5. Have you already made a warrior name for yourself?
  6. Have you read every book?
  7. Have you made a warriors movie and put it on YouTube?
  8. Have you dressed up as a warrior cat for Halloween?
  9. Will you rate this, comment this, or do both? (This will not affect your score)
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I obsessed with Warriors?