Are you Obese, Fat Or just right? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you Obese, Fat Or just right?

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  • Result: Obese 94%

    You got Obese. You are seriously fat and its likely that losing weight may be nearly impossible. Physical Activity must be very challenging for you. You are unable to do many things others do with ease. Please seek a doctor for help or else you will keep getting fatter.

    The first thingy
  • Sorted by: TOP | new
    how much do you need to lose weight?
    Your Result: alot 91%

    Get on a tredmill right away? Get up from the computer and do some exercise before your gut covers the earth or worst your butt crushes it. Don't hesitate because ever second you hesitate is a second closer to your gut suffacating us.

    46% a little
    9% not at all
    4% you need to gai

    The first time
  • how much do you need to lose weight?
    Your Result: alot 91%

    Get on a tredmill right away? Get up from the computer and do some exercise before your gut covers the earth or worst your butt crushes it. Don't hesitate because ever second you hesitate is a second closer to your gut suffacating us.

    46% a little
    9% not at all
    4% you need to gai

  • how much do you need to lose weight?
    Your Result: alot 91%

    Get on a tredmill right away? Get up from the computer and do some exercise before your gut covers the earth or worst your butt crushes it. Don't hesitate because ever second you hesitate is a second closer to your gut suffacating us.

    46% a little
    9% not at all
    4% you need to gai

  • Your Result: You are Average!

    Everyon e has fat/ Baby fat. You might think you're fat, but you aren't. All you have to do is to eat right and work out regularly.

    LOL I hope it is baby fat

  • Average weight,I wish but I'm actually very underweight due to my eating disorder but I'm trying to overcome that now but it's very hard exspecially recently due to abuse and trama.

  • Result: 100%+ Obese

    OM G, what do you eat?! YOU'RE HUGE! I don't think there is any hope for you for becoming thin. You're just an eating machine. I don't think there's any hope for you.

    0%25% Obese

  • Average. Seems about right

  • Lol average!?

  • I am 12 and weigh 220 I can't see my feet or wear large adult cloths! I meant to be bigger!!!

    Kaleidoscope 28
  • overweight, i want to be bigger, but ok

    the fat pug

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