are you nice to your brothers??

there are many mean people ad few nice lol but I hope your a nice one! if you are keep it up and if not! try being nice it's not hard!! see I don't understand people some times!

are you nice to your bro's?? are you a sweet heart? would you ever yell at your brother??? well you'll find out in a few secants! just hold on please!!

Created by: khadijah
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you slap your bro's?
  2. do you buy toys for them!!!
  3. do you hug them before they go to bed?
  4. do you kiss them every time you come back home??
  5. do you give them candy??
  6. do you wash there cloths?
  7. do you like this quiz??
  8. do you let them sleep in your room??
  9. do you let them jump on your bed???
  10. do you call your bro's with mean nick names??

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Quiz topic: Am I nice to my brothers??