Are you nice or mean

What is being mean?It is quite important becuase it is how you act against everything!!Take this quiz and find out right now!It is a must try!Are you mean?

Find out if you are mean.Its really important becuase it is how you act so you must find out right?Do it dude its important!I am not joking try really!

Created by: monkey0box
  1. Are you the big bully in your school?
  2. How many times did you have trouble with the law?
  3. How good are you of finding weapons?(guns,knifes,and other stuff)
  4. Have you done anything good in your life?
  5. How good are you at controling yourself?
  6. Do you think you are nice?
  7. How much do you swear?
  8. Do you do rude things when people tell you not to do them?
  9. Did you used to be mean?
  10. How many times did you murder people?
  11. Do you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I nice or mean