Are You Nice or Mean?

Some people think they are nice, some people don't, but this quiz will tell you! Whether you think you're nice or not answer truthfully and find out just how nice you are!

By the way, if you think it is unaccurate then you a)lied b)have a huge ego or c)have low self esteem! Don't blame me! Anyway rate comment and subscribe because there will be more coming!

Created by: MissPiggie

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You and your best friend are out for a walk in the park when you see a fifty pence piece (one dollar) on the ground. So does your friend and you both try and take it. What do you do?
  2. Your friend has the money, despite any efforts you went to. You are out for lunch but then he/she realizes they are out of cash and cannot pay for the meal. However they are not insisting you pay.
  3. After the meal you go to a museum. Your friend accidentally sets off an alarm and the security guards are onto you. After charges have been cleared, you say...
  4. Your mom calls and says that you should go home, as you have an important homework assignment to complete. You...
  5. You are at home. Suddenly your baby brother calls out for help. He has done this a lot and tricked you but this time you don't know if he's OK. Your mom hasn't noticed. You..
  6. He was tricking you and you are annoyed. You..
  7. Your mum is tired and asks you for a cup of cocoa. You say...
  8. OH NO!!! You've forgotten that very important assignment that is your summer assessment homework. The teacher hates you and you're not sure what to do about it! You...
  9. Despite any efforts you went to you have landed yourself with a detention. During this you...
  10. OK last question... Your boy/girlfriend has just dumped you, in the middle of the rain, in the park. You say...

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Quiz topic: Am I Nice or Mean?