are you nice or mean

you might think you are nice but are you really? you could be mean for all you know and not even know it! well this is your chance to figure out if you are nice or not.

taking this test won't be hard it is just about what you do everyday. the questions are simple maybe even to simple and plus there are only 12 questions so it won't take a long time.

Created by: erica
  1. i hug my friends.....
  2. do you like nice people?
  3. do you think you are nice?
  4. do you get good grades?
  5. have you ever been bullied?
  6. how long have you been bullied?
  7. if you saw someone being bullied what would you do?
  8. if your friend was getting bullied what would you do?
  9. do you like to be with your family?
  10. do you use bad words?

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Quiz topic: Am I nice or mean