Are you nerdy or popular?

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Hey! I know that some people wont read all of this and thats fine because nothing really important is in here- I just was bored so made this quiz. UvU

So this is the Popular or Nerd quiz. You will see that if you should be a popular person, or a nerd. Or in between, thats an option too! So I hope you enjoy this quiz and get an answer your happy with.

Created by: Madelyn
  1. Do you like school?
  2. Do you bring your own lunch to school?
  3. Do you gossip?
  4. (bonus) What are you hoping you get?
  5. What dress type do you like?
  6. Do you like to use stuff like: UwU, UvU, UnU, OwO, ;-;?
  7. Which do you do?
  8. Do you like gossiping and going on social media?
  9. Did you enjoy this? (does not affect score.)
  10. Home school or public school?
  11. Ready for results?

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Quiz topic: Am I nerdy or popular?
