Are you my type?(boys only)

This quiz shows if you are or aren't my type so do NOT take this personally or take it seriously so don't feel offended its all fun and games. You may start

This is NOT to show if you're ugly or not it is just my personal choice and NOBODY is perfect so if this does offend you then I apologize for it thank you.

Created by: Arna
  1. What is your hair type?
  2. What type of eyes do you have
  3. What game do you play
  4. If you could choose one of these,which would be the favorite?
  5. What is your height range
  6. What is your body type
  7. Did my questions make you feel like I was being too picky
  8. Do you have GLASSES
  9. Do you hate kpop
  10. Can you play an instrument

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Quiz topic: Am I my type?(boys only)
