Are You My True Love?

DUDES ONLY! I'm straight, so dudes only...anyway, are you my true love? Do you think you are? Know you are? Pretty sure you're not? Unknown? Well take this quiz.

Why don't people read this? "I'm too lazy to read two paragraphs. But I was the best in high school reading class! (me: get a life, dude) Seriously, why doesn't anyone read these?

Created by: Damask

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your best quality?
  2. What is your worst quality?
  3. How do you like girls to dress?
  4. Are you into politics/are you very opioninated?
  5. What do you do most?
  6. Favorite subject in school?
  7. This is a very important question: on our first date, would you buy me flowers or pick me a flower?
  8. What is the perfect date?
  9. Do you like to argue? :} Be honest
  10. Are you open/honest?
  11. Future career?

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Quiz topic: Am I My True Love?