Are you my Lost twin? ( This quiz is just for fun)

Hello, this is for fun, but inside me I feel like there is someone who is very identical to me, maybe like a twin! I can’t wait to find out! But what if you are actually my twin that'd be insane

What will your score be?? Are you actually my twin? Btw I’ve been feeling this strange feeling that I actually have a twin! That is weird, right? But as time goes one my sister always tells me “ what if you had a twin?” That’s normal but she says it all the time!!

Created by: Amethyst
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. If you could have any power what would it be?
  3. What month were you born?
  4. What world would you live in?
  5. ( might be a weird question but..) Do you swear
  6. What Powers would you have with someone ( or me)
  7. Where would you go for vacation?
  8. (Another weird question) Do you think having a twin would be fun?
  9. Do you wish someone always understand you like your problems and other secretive stuff?
  10. (Was this fun)? Again do really wish for a twin

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Quiz topic: Am I my Lost twin? ( This quiz is just for fun)
