are you my friend???

are YOU my friend, do you want to be my friend... you should be!!! you wont regret it! if you are you are my friend you will never want to not be my friend. try my quiz and see if you are my perfet match for a friend.

there are many people who i can be friends with but are you the one... are you looking for that friend that is exactly like you in every way? if you do my quiz you will find out if im the one to be your best friend!

Created by: matty
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you like music?
  2. do you like to swim?
  3. are you a lad or $lut?
  4. what would be the best thing to get for christmas?
  5. are you a private school person or public school person?
  6. are you outgoing?
  7. do you like this website?
  8. do you act older than you are
  9. are you dumb? (according to you)
  10. did you like my quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I my friend???