Are you MrTop5 or Shadical?

You are taking the quiz to see are you MrTop5 or Shadical? Let's find out if you are one of them. Either Badical or Clickbait so good luck with the quiz.

You can't be Lox, Zeph(because he left) or Twrgy or Wyatt because MrTop5 and Shadical are the top 2 or the whole association and they're the funniest.

Created by: Tayshaun
  1. Age?
  2. Gender?
  3. What's your favorite Fortnite skin?
  4. What's your catchphrase?
  5. Favorite color?
  6. Are you Bispen's ex-girlfriend?
  7. Do you rage?
  8. Are you a true fan of Team ForkNife?
  9. Who do you want?
  10. Enjoyed the quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I MrTop5 or Shadical?

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