Are you more like Tigerstar or Firestar in Warriors?

Firestar and Tigerstar, both great leaders however bad they were - I'm looking at you, Tigerstar! But which one are you most like? Are you brave and loyal like Firestar? Or sneaky and cunning like Tigerstar?

Take this quiz and it will tell you who you are most like. It takes you through life, from a kit to an elder. Are you loyal to ThunderClan? Or are you willing to risk it all to become leader?

Created by: Peanut
  1. You are born among your siblings, your eyes soon open and you see your mothers face. Does she look...
  2. You are finally able to run about in the camp. You want to visit so many places, meet so many cats! Where do you go first?
  3. You have become an apprentice! Your mentor is...
  4. You get to go to your first gathering! You meet a cat from another Clan who is your age. Do you...
  5. You have finally become a warrior! What will you do first?
  6. The cat from the gathering - her name is Foxtail - is having kits soon! Do you...
  7. You are the new deputy. The last one died in a fight with ShadowClan. You go to the next gathering and meet your kits. Do you...
  8. Your leader is becoming weak. You know you way have to become leader soon. Do you...
  9. You're now an elder. Your life has been great. You retired from your role as leader, it got too much. You lie int he elder's den, telling the kits a story. What is it about?
  10. Who do you want to be most like? Tigerstar or Firestar?

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Quiz topic: Am I more like Tigerstar or Firestar in Warriors?
