Are you more like Miko or Hi_5?

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This quiz will decide if you are either Miko Kubota(MeK.O)or Hector Nieves(Hi_5). The two best friends from Netflix Original Show, Glitch Techs. Stay Safe

This quiz has 10 questions, some are based off of episodes. If answers are too obvious then ignore that and answer honestly, ALWAYS ANSWER HONESTLY!!!

Created by: DD
  1. Who's better?
  2. When in a high pressure situation you tend to...
  3. Mitch dared you to a video game off,
  4. Your friend is being ganged up on by bullies, how do you react?
  5. Ally or Alpha?
  6. Your team is relying on you to defeat the villain, you...
  7. Do you ever space off?
  8. Family day!! But your big tournament is today? Should you skip?
  9. Tutorials or learning on the job?
  10. Do you stick to a game until you've beaten it or rage quit?

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Quiz topic: Am I more like Miko or Hi_5?
