Are you more like Lanky Justie or Lanky Adem?

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let's see if you are more Justie or more Adem? BTW pls Subscribe to Lankybox and Lankybox world on youtuuuubeHave Fun! DO THE QUIZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ

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Created by: LankyboxGames
  1. Do you like Unhealthy Food?
  2. Are You Silly and Fun? ( NO LIE AH...)
  3. When You Say Bye, How do you say it?
  4. Would you dye your hair Purple or leave it like its normal color?
  5. Who is cuter?
  6. If you Were to go dating someone who will you pick?
  7. Do you love Paw patrol?
  8. Do You Love Mikey Mouse?
  9. Do you play ALOT of Video games?
  10. Do you Need EDUMACATION?

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Quiz topic: Am I more like Lanky Justie or Lanky Adem?

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