Are you more like Joe or Creston?

If you are a listener of Tiddleywinks, know Joe Barlow and Creston Flemming, or want to know who you are similar to then take this quiz! Even if you don't know them, it might be interesting. Although it would be better if you knew them.

Are you a Joe or a Creston? Is this really accurate? Thanks to this quiz you can find out. Just take a few minutes to answer ten questions and then get your results instantly.

Created by: Joe Barlow
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your favorite thing to do on the weekend is...
  2. Favorite music is...
  3. What is your opinion on macs (computer)?
  4. In social situations...
  5. Favorite food...
  6. I spend most of my time...
  7. When I am mad...
  8. If I were an animal I would be...
  9. Politically speaking I am a...
  10. Who invented the lightbulb?

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Quiz topic: Am I more like Joe or Creston?