are you more like Dan or Phil?

Are you more like Dan or Phil? These two youtube kings are super populair and loved by many, they share everything with us and can make you laugh with just existing.

So now, are you more like the llama king or the lion king? Hamsters or no hamsters? Are you ready to find out? Take this quiz and you shall know!!!!!!

Created by: Vera
  1. Lions or llamas?
  2. How would you discribe your personality?
  3. To Phan or not to phan?
  4. Do you like reading smut?
  5. Thoughts on Leather t-shirts?
  6. Top or bottom?
  7. Would you like a hamster?
  8. What's your biggest fear?
  9. Do you feel like you're more like dan or phil?
  10. Do you like plants?

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Quiz topic: Am I more like Dan or Phil?