Are you more like blossom or muta

Are you the sugar suff girl leader of the power puff girl leader in this short test we will find out the sugar suff girl's are the enemy of the power p

Puff girl's they help villains defeat the power puff girl's azer of the sugar suff girl's just wants everyone to be happy and be friend's💗💗💗💗💗💗💗

Created by: Muta
  1. YoUr eye color
  2. Your hair color
  3. What's your dress color
  4. Your favorite villain
  5. Your favorite thing
  6. You see a boy kicking a dog you
  7. A monkey has stolen your favorite candy you
  8. Your just about to defeat this poor innocent demon the demon begs you to not hurt him you
  9. These green humans are bullying a kid you
  10. A doggo just bit somebody you

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Quiz topic: Am I more like blossom or muta