Are You More Like a Poor Person or a Rich Person?
A rich person is polite, understanding is rich in the HEART. They are honest and forgiving. Those people are GOOD rich people, who deserve their fortune. Some rich people are not honest, and cheat, never forgive, and other bad things. Those people are BAD rich people, who do not deserve to be rich. Poor people can be very annoying at some times. I don't like to comment on these people, because they make me very sad. So let's move on.
Today you will find out if you are poor or rich. Your score will be based on richness. (If you want the poor score, subtract your richness score from 100, and that's your percaentage.) Good luck, BE HONEST, PLEASE. I DO NOT LIKE DISHONEST PEOPLE AT ALL. BE A GOOD PERSON AND PLEASE ANSWER ALL OF THESE QUESTIONS HONESTLY, OR YOUR SCORE MIGHT NOT BE DESERVED. THANK YOU, AND ENJOY!! =D =D
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