Are You More Left-Brained or Right-Brained? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are You More Left-Brained or Right-Brained?
Your Result: Equal-Minded
You use both left and right sides of your brain equally. The left controls logic, and the right brain rules creativity, so you are good with numbers and talented at certain artistic things. This makes you really flexible and helps you solve problems because you can look at things in a couple of different ways. A great job for you would be an architect or an engineer, something that uses all of your skills.
Left-Brained -
Are You More Left-Brained or Right-Brained?
Your Result: Left-BrainedYou are ruled by the left side of your brain, so this means that you are really smart who is good with numbers and has a really great memory. You're also super-organized and like to plan ahead. The left half of the brain controls things like logic and decision making, so you're a careful person. Also you always think things through before making any major decisions. With these great strengths, an ideal job would be a doctor or lawyer.
Great quiz, 9 stars!
Jay1 -
Are You More Left-Brained or Right-Brained?
Your Result: Left-BrainedYou are ruled by the left side of your brain, so this means that you are really smart who is good with numbers and has a really great memory. You're also super-organized and like to plan ahead. The left half of the brain controls things like logic and decision making, so you're a careful person. Also you always think things through before making any major decisions. With these great strengths, an ideal job would be a doctor or lawyer.
note: a VERY good quiz ill give you 10 stars
I'm equally minded for my quiz! Please leave comments! I'm curious to see what everyone is :)
Hey yaw!
say diz quickly :Betty bought a butter. The butter became bitter. So betty bought a better butter. To make the bitter butter better.
i am more right brained. this suprises me cuz i took this quiz with my guidance counselor from school and it said i was left brained. very odd...great quiz tho!! ***** stars
grape1 -
i meant 10 stars not 5.srry
- 1