Are You Mentally Hurt?

Do you suffur from mental pain well nows the time to find out if you do, this quiz can help you out in many ways of how to deal with most situations of mental pain. Good luck with the test and take note of your results. Remember to answer the questions correctly.

This quiz is quite personal so make sure you are on your own when you take it. And be trueful with every question you answer.Remember to answer the questions correctly.Good luck with the test and take note of your results.

Created by: Jamie
Personality Test
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you afraid of being in a relationship?
  2. Are you happy with your body?
  3. How many times do you cry?
  4. Do you drink or take any sort of drugs?
  5. How often do you get angry?
  6. Do you have many friends?
  7. Do you eat much?
  8. Do you have flashbacks?
  9. Do you look at a person of the same sex in a sexual way?
  10. How many times have you been in hospital?
  11. Do you have a hobbie?
  12. Do you enjoy hitting people?
  13. Do you feel that you have been mentally hurt?

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Quiz topic: Am I Mentally Hurt?