are you mean or nice

there are many mean people, but few are nice. after all it is hard to be truly nice to everyone but it does not mean you can not take my truly awesome quiz so go ahead take the quiz if you dare just playing around with you now go take my quiz right now or else dun dun dun!

are you nice or mean. do you have the power in your heart to be kind or are you mean... well there is only one way to find out so hurry up and take the quiz already and stop reading my paragraph or you wont have enough time to take my easy but short 12 question quiz so chop chop lollypop.

Created by: pink
  1. are you grumpy in the morning
  2. has anyone ever said you are mean
  3. do you think your mean
  4. do you get mad easily
  5. do you be mean to your siblings
  6. do you be bad
  7. do you like yelling
  8. do you ever catch yourself hitting someone
  9. do you like this quiz
  10. did you like this quiz

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Quiz topic: Am I mean or nice