are you Mara, Caitlin or Jasmine??

We all ahve many great frinds, and many true friends. but me n my girls, were more like sisters We all ahve many great frinds, and many true friends. but me n my girls, were more like sisters We all ahve many great frinds, and many true friends. but me n my girls, were more like sisters We all ahve many great frinds, and many true friends. but me n my girls, were more like sisters We all ahve many great frinds, and many true friends. but me n my girls, were more like sisters

who ARE you? mara? the flirt? Jasmine? the loud? or caitlin? the obsessive? who ARE you? mara? the flirt? Jasmine? the loud? or caitlin? the obsessive? who ARE you? mara? the flirt? Jasmine? the loud? or caitlin? the obsessive? who ARE you? mara? the flirt? Jasmine? the loud? or caitlin? the obsessive? who ARE you? mara? the flirt? Jasmine? the loud? or caitlin? the obsessive?

Created by: marz

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is the difference between mara, jasmine, and caitlin?
  2. If miko asked mara out, what would you do?
  3. if one of the RIP came to skool looking ridiculous, what would you do?
  4. the dance is coming up. r u gonna ask someone, or will he ask yu?
  5. king kong got one of us in trouble again!! once that rip comes back to class, her face is dripping with tears. what do you wana do to monique?
  6. A romour is spreading out amongst the school about k-chan and cait. what do you do?
  7. what would be your dream school trip location?
  8. thers a big fight between the RIP!! whos side do you take?
  9. its the last day at AMG, and we already had the grad ceremony. what are you most likeley to see?
  10. who would you miss the most after graduation? [ex-cluding the RIP's]

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Quiz topic: Am I Mara, Caitlin or Jasmine??