Are You Magical?!

Ever wondered if you have any special abilities or powers? Well take my quiz to find out! You could be magic or muggle, mabye even superman! This quiz will answer all your magical questions, so go ahead!

Who knows you could be as magical as a unicorn, or as normal as grandpa Bob. But honestly, do you want to be normal? I'd personally chose the magical side. Find out how magical you really are!

Created by: goldenparrot25
  1. If you could have any power, what would it be?
  2. Do you want to be Magical?
  3. On a scale of 1 to 10, how magical do you think you are?
  4. What is your favorite mythical creature?
  5. Imagine you have just discovered your powers. What do you do?
  6. Do you have any strange or unique talents?
  7. Do you prefer to be muggle* or magic? (Muggle=Normal)
  8. Would you use you magic for good or evil?
  9. Who is the first person you'd tell when you get magic?
  10. What is your favorite type of magic?

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Quiz topic: Am I Magical?!
