Are you loving and caring

This test is important because you love your family cousin friends and you care about them and they really are important to you. And you are important to them.

Love is not when you show what you can do. It is what is in your can say i love you. But it doesn't really mean that you do. It is when you show real love.

Created by: Sharlette
  1. What is your age?
  2. Gender
  3. You see an old man. He needs help,what do you do?
  4. Your mother needs help with the groceries,what do you do?
  5. Your friend says,"hi can you play." Do you say yes?
  6. How do you like this test so far?(HONEST)
  7. Your brother wants to play do you play too
  8. It is valentine's day a unknown person gives a you throw it?
  9. Since this is about love and care pick a song that goes with this
  10. Will you rate or comment this test

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Quiz topic: Am I loving and caring