Are you lovesick?

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Are you lovesick? If you get the highest result, you MUST be a yandere! Comment down below if you are one! I want to know! That reminds me! You can also tell me what “DERE” type you are!

ENJOY THE QUIZZZZZZZZZZ!! By the way! Tell us your crush’s name if you want to! And how you met!! ILL BE THERE TO SUPPORT AND SHIP YOU AND HIMMMMMMMMMMM!!

Created by: Ayami Chan
  1. First of all, do you have a crush? Or boy/girl friend?
  2. How would you feel if you didn’t see him/her for a long time?
  3. How would you react if you didn’t see him/her for a long time then suddenly saw him/her?
  4. What if he/she says hi to you? (Not YOU to HIM/HER)
  5. What if you saw him/her, and you stare at him and he stares at you?
  6. How did you meet?
  7. Do you think he likes you?
  8. What if your crush died?
  9. One last question! Do you stalk him?
  10. ONE LAST, LAST, LAST QUESTION! Would you ever confess your feelings to him?

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Quiz topic: Am I lovesick?
